
时间:2021-06-15 15:00       来源: CCTV5直播




scola(巴萨球迷):梅西像妈妈一样给阿根廷前锋喂球,但是他们却想怀孕了一样在吐(Messi was trying to assist Argentina strikers like a mom feeding her kids but they spit out like they are pregnant)。 

Noone(曼城球迷):醒醒啊兄弟们,足球赢球才能夺冠,不是比平局(wake up guys, winning brings trophies in football not equlizing)。

professor(巴萨球迷):比达尔在这场比赛至少该得4张黄牌(Vidal deserves at least 4 yellow cards in the match)。

gben(曼城球迷):兄弟,你们那儿的4是不是就是十进制中的6?(bro, in your system, 4 means 6 in decimal system?)

Mouse(皇马球迷):梅西真可怜,本以为远离巴萨可以更快乐,没想到巴萨无处不在(poor messi. it's thought that he could be happier when away from barca, but barca style is every where)。

Uyigentle(巴萨球迷):当梅西拿下面具,人们的反应:卧槽,外星人;当阿根廷前锋拿下面具,人们的反应:卧槽,莫拉塔(when messi take off the mask, people be like: damn, an alien; when strikers of argentina take off masks, people be like: wtf, Morata!)。

Tazbnpy(阿森纳球迷):我竟然同时喜欢上了3支让人失望的球队:阿根廷,阿森纳和巴萨(I support 3 teams that disappoint us at the same time: Argentina, Arsenal and Barca)。

sicid(切尔西球迷):这就是我看阿根廷比赛的样子(me watching argentina games be like)。


omz22(曼联球迷):瑞典门将:亲爱的,等一下,有个进攻上来了。哦,别担心,不用挂电话,原来是莫拉塔(Sweden Goalkeeper : Baby wait there is a counter Oh don't worry, no need to drop the call it's Morata)。

stevem(巴萨球迷):如果莫拉塔、维尔纳和登贝莱一起上,你甚至不需要防守(If Morata, Werner and Dembele plays at the same time you dont need a defence)。
