
时间:2021-06-13 15:00       来源: CCTV5直播




ossbooy(皇马球迷):爱神,我的祈祷与你和你的家人同在(My  prayers are with you and your family Eriksen)。

anthovaga(未知主队球迷):足球中蕴含的“爱”让我们团结在一起,祈祷爱神的早日康复(the love in football game united us together to pray for Eriksen's recovery soon)。

lole(未知主队球迷):你怎么对别人,别人就会怎么回报你,祝爱神早日康复(How you treated people, you will be treat back Hopefully quick recovery Pray for him)。


ML(巴萨球迷):卢卡库将比利时的第一粒进球献给了埃里克森,现场的球员、球迷和其他人员掌声和行动支持爱神,全世界的球员和球迷都在祝福爱神,这就是我们钟爱的足球(Lukaku dedicated Belgium's first goal to Eriksen, players, fans and others in the field supported him with applause and actions, the football players and fans in the world pray for him, this is the football that we all love)。

swarn(巴萨球迷):这次比赛没有输家,只有赢家...因为今晚足球赢了(There were no losers but only winners in this game.....Tonight football won)。

iriho24(巴萨球迷):我们为爱神祈祷,也为今晚的英雄喝彩(we pray for Eriksen; we praise these heroes)。

BN7(曼联球迷):爱神早日好起来,全世界正等着你继续给我们施展魔法呢(Get well soon Chris the world is waiting for u to show ur magic  ...!!)。

hiomory(曼联球迷):我今早醒来的第一件事就是看关于埃里克森的消息,感谢上帝,他没事,希望他赶快恢复(The 1st thing I wake this morning is to check on Erikson... And thank you GOD he is ok. Wish him speedy recovery)。

Rowchillwell(未知主队球迷):将我们钟爱的东西夺走是令人难受的。如果爱神不能踢球,对他来说肯定很难,但是我们要记住生命比足球更重要,我们应该心怀感激,因为爱神没有离我们而去,我们将再次看见他的笑容的(Taking away something we love from us is not easy. if he is ban from playing, it will be hard for him but we must remember that loosing his football is less important than losing his life.... so let's be grateful that he is not gone and he is back with us. We will see his smile soon.)。